Joint efforts to simplify pharmaceutical complexity

Innovation for new operational challenges

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Quality Control

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More than logistics

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Info and Technology

Innovative Solutions

Novofarma has an innovation program for services and processes, aimed at providing a permanent response to the needs of clients and the industry. In addition to solving practical service requirements, this program allows the laboratories to follow the corporate practice of Open Innovation, in order to promote solutions to new short, medium and long-term requirements, associated with good operational and laboratory practices, as well as technology.

The permanent search for innovative solutions also allows us to have projects aligned with state-of-the-art processes, services and technologies, so that they are suitable for use in Chile.

Novofarma has a dynamic pipeline of diverse projects, scales from the pilot usage, usually tested and implemented in conjuction with pharmaceutical laboratories.


International Collaboration

Novofarma has a collaboration program with logistics operators from other countries, located in Latin America and Europe, with whom it shares good practices and technology transfer projects. Novofarma makes visits to facilities outside of Chile and mantains active communication for mutual cooperation and good operating practices.

Frozen products handling

Handling of nitrogen frozen products

Automatic inspection of product labeling

Automatic inspection of product labeling

Frozen products handling

Information management system, data integrity and traceability of the quality control laboratory

Frozen products handling

Development of B2B and B2C E-commerce platforms

Automatic inspection of product labeling

Development of integrations between ERPs with public sector clients (Cenabast)

Foreign Trade

We offer the administrative management service for foreign trade operations.

Our model includes the assigment of a specialized executive, who will carry out processes and will be the point of contact

Import and Export Management

The import model includes, depending on the decision of the laboratory, the hiring of a customs agent or carrying out procedures with the agent hired by the laboratory.

It also includes the completion of precedures with health authorities, manages the payment of duties and taxes, coordinating from withdrawal from the national customs service to the Novofarma distribution center or to the final destination indicated by the client.

The imports model considers:
  • Managing imports with customs agents contracted by Novofarma or carrying out procedures with an agent contracted by the client.
  • Preparing documentation
  • Carrying out procedures with health authorities.
  • Coordinating the payment of duties and taxes
  • Managing the withdrawal from the customs service to the Novofarma distribution center or to the final destination indicated by the client.

The imports model considers:
  • Preparing documentations.
  • Carrying out procedures with health authorities.
  • Coordinating with customs agents
  • Transfer to the place of embarkation.

Our process is supported by a specialized international trade system, designed exclusively for Novofarma that garantees efficient and safe management, provides transparency for actors at every stage, and is integrated into the system that supports Novofarma’s reception process.

We are distinguished by our specialized knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry, wich allows us to provide quality, timely, expert advice in order to solve all your needs.

Sales Administration

This model allows for rapid integration with logistics, reducing time frames and simplifyng functions for the laboratory.

Administrative Business Model

The sales administration service is supported by a commercial mandate, where Novofarma acts on behalf of the laboratory, delegating the functions of the consumer service area.

In this model the commercial conditions of each products and clinet are set in our ERP, including prices, discounts, credit and payment terms, among others.

We have a team specialized in entering orders based on purchase orders or Cenabast distribution annexes, attaching the documentation required for delivery in each case (exchange letters, certificates, among others).

For dispatch, we issue a Novofarma invoice, to later carry out the collection service, delivering the funds collected to the laboratory.

As part of the service, associated administrative procedures will be completed for public market tenders, such as documents generation and issuance of tickets or guarantee policies and contracts.

This model has been adopted by many of our clients due to the simplicity of its application, transferring to Novofarma the administrative functions assosiated with sales, allowing commercial teams to concentrate their efforts on demand generation.


Administrative Business Model

This team manages a wide portafolio of clients, with 700 active clients in the health area between public and private institutions, managing to collect more than 4,000 invoices.

Their extensive knowledge of the market and closeness to their clients allows them to carry out a comprehensive and efficient collection management oriented to meeting goals, without neglecting the resolution of administrative problems that hinder the payment of certain documents.

To strengthen the management of our team, we have an online platform where it is possible to obtain executive reports to focus actions, and which supports decision-making in the credit area of the laboratories we represent.

Clinical Trials Logistics

An integral clinical trials logistics service with the main pharmaceutical companies in the world, positions us as leaders in the domestic market.

We take the lead by complying with demanding operation protocols and high-level facilities, authorized by the Public Health Institute of Chile (ISP), wich in turn are audited by private entities C.R.O. (Clinical Research Organization).

The clinical studies area, wich reports directly to Novofarma’s Technical Management, has dedicated personnel in exclusive reception, storage and distribution areas, wich allow to attend to the particularities of each clinical study.

These qualified zones are supervised by a temperature / humidity monitoring system certified in 11-CFR21.

Clinical Trials logistics service

Quality & EHS

We have independent areas, wich allow us to mantain an operation with high quality standards and the development of safety and enviromental initiatives in the operation and facilities.

Quality Assurance

This team is responsible for the formalization of prodedures, guaranteeing during the logistics operation. Made up of pharmaceutical Chemical professionals, who attend the regulatory audits companies and our clients, in documented GMP, GSP, GDP, GLP and GCP processes, which have allowed us to achieve high quality standars, rcognized by auditors of pharmaceutical corporations.


The EHS area (Environment, Health and Safety) is responsible for safety, prevention and enviromental initiatives, achieving a low-risk and enviromentally responsible operation.

The sustentability declared in our enviromental policy allows for transversal action throughout the organization, constituting one of the essential pillars of our development strategy.

Clinical Trials logistics service
Clinical Trials logistics service